Register for an account on BOLD

We will post articles and events on our website, and strive to provide a place for people in the trans community to get to know each other.

That username is free!
Sorry, that username is taken, or it is somebody's email address.
That email can still be registered!
Sorry, that email is registered on Magnova already or it is somebody's username. (contact us if something's wrong)
Not a valid email address

Email policy

Only authorized BOLD administrative staff will be able to see your email address or email you. We will share your email address with your service providers so they can get in touch with you. If we create an automatic email digest, we will give you the ability to opt out or in. We may ask you if you'd like to connect with other clients or individuals in our networks, and if so we'll use your email address to put you in touch.

We will do our best to keep your emails private to the aforementioned parties. We will not display them publicly. If you have concerns about our policies, please send us an email.

